
骊城公安局最年轻的法医齐思哲(罗云熙 饰),因一场车祸失去了女友俞菲,但他发觉意外的背后似乎隐藏着神秘的幕后推手。为了调查真相,齐思哲入职成为河城市公安局的刑侦法医,却被迫卷入一桩桩令人细思极恐的奇诡悬案之中,身亡许久的被害者被重重蛛丝包裹,失踪的尸体出现在标本室的福尔马林中……在侦破过程中,他与祝青越(刘雅瑟 饰),韩烽(江奇霖 饰)强强联合,抽丝剥茧屡破奇案,而牵涉当年俞菲之死的“原钻”毒品案,也逐渐展露冰山一角……

Sizhe (played by Luo Yunxi), the youngest forensic pathologist at LiCheng Police prescinct, lost his girlfriend Yu Fei in a car accident. However, he soon suspects that there may be a mysterious mastermind behind the supposed accident. In his quest to uncover the truth, Qi Sizhe joins the criminal investigation division of HeCheng City’s Public Security Bureau, only to find himself entangled in a series of eerie and perplexing cases. Victims long deceased are found wrapped in layers of spider silk, while missing bodies mysteriously reappear in formalin in the specimen room. During the investigation process, Sizhe teams up with Qingyue (played by Liu Yase) and Han Feng (played by Jiang Qilin), working together to solve these strange cases. As they delve deeper, the truth behind the “Primal Diamond” drug case that was linked to Yu Fei’s death begins to emerge, revealing just the tip of the iceberg…​


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